Saturday, October 3, 2009

Chinese Herbs for Sinus Problems

Many people suffer from chronic sinusitis. This can cause allergies or can be a symptom of residue remaining after an attack of cold or flu. Many people take antibiotics or antihistamines to clarify the issue, but sinus problems are often resistant to treatment with conventional medicine. Many times the symptoms return after a course of standard therapy. Chinese herbs can often remove the most persistent and resistant enough problems easily.Sinus sinusitis due to allergies, are treated to increase the strength of a person to the allergen while clearing a person blocks the nasal passages and sinuses. Herbal Formula Chinese Jade Windscreen Formula, is used long term to reduce a person's tendency to have allergies. Jade Windscreen formula contains astragalus, Siler, and schizonopeta. Astragalus to improve a person's resistance to allergies. Siler and schizonopeta are used to reduce allergic reactions such as sneezing, itchy eyes, rashes, and runny nose. Other herbs are used to open blocked nasal passages and sinuses and reduce pain and pressure of sinusitis. Chinese herbs, Xanthium fruit and magnolia flowers are used for this purpose. Myrrh is an herb good for cleaning congestion.Sinus sinus problems are due to chronic infection after a cold or flu can be handled using a different set of herbs. Herbs that are antibacterial and antiviral drugs, and herbs used in this case clear phlegm. The Chinese herbal formula Qing Qi Hua Tan Wan, also called the Clean Air tea may be helpful for sinus infections. It may also be useful for bronchitis. Another herbal formula, Long Dan Xie Gan Wan, also used frequently, especially if you have the chest and inner ear problems combined. These formulas are for use in the short term (2 weeks or less), and tend to work more quickly. Cocklebur fruit and magnolia can still be used to clear the nasal passages.Another method may be useful for people who have a tendency to chronic sinusitis is to use herbs that cleanse the blood and liver. Dandelion is an herb useful for this purpose. So nettle leaves are taken as tea. Taking these herbs may help reduce inflammation and acidity. These herbs can modulate the immune response, while creating a less hospitable environment for bacterial and viral infections pathogens.As can see, there are a number of herbs and herbal formulas that can help clarify the problems of natural breasts even in situations that were resistant to conventional treatment.Farah Khan is a medical doctor's license East and acupuncturist. Provides many herbal formulas, including Ultra and Jade SinuClear windshield on the Web at your email address is

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